Rex, Ashton, and Haley 2011

Rex, Ashton, and Haley 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Wonderful World of Smoothies

     So you can't get your kids to eat their veggies?  Mine happen to love them!  Atleast if you combined all of their personal favorites you might have a decent variety!  We have at least one smoothie a day to sneak in extra nutrition.  I have one for a snack or a meal to curb my sweet tooth and keep my wieght down.  Here are some of the goodies we add to our smoothies besides frozen fruit:


     I love using kefir as the base for our smoothies because it is one of the most nutritious probiotic available. Kefir is an ancient cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your “inner ecosystem” to maintain optimal health and strengthen immunity.
It tastes similar to plain yogurt, and it contains beneficial yeast as well as the friendly ‘probiotic’ bacteria found in yogurt, but is more nutritious. When used regularly, the naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in Kefir combine symbiotically to help balance your intestinal flora and boost your immunity. You can make your own quite easily with kefir grains and milk.


     Adding fresh greens can assist in boosting energy, building your immune system, detoxing impurities, and loosing weight. Greens are rich in magnesium and alkaline minerals like calcium and are superb in their Omega-3 unsaturated fat content.  Believe it or not, greens are one of the richest sources of protein. I have used spinach predominately as it is easy to add without affecting the texture. I can add half of head of spinach and it blends in well with all the frozen fruits. 
     Spirulina is another good "green" option.  It is a blue-green algae that grows on freshwater ponds. Spirulina is 55-70 percent protein by weight and considered my many to be the greatest plant source of usable protein and is rich in B vitamins and gammalinolenic acid (GLA).  I currently add 1 tsp to a smoothie.

     Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, which is important for keeping the arteries clean, the heart functioning, and the immune system in good health.  Flax will improve your immune system and is also beneficial for healthy skin and hair. Flaxseed can easily be made into an egg and fat supplement in your baked goods as well. Flax seed is also available in an oil form but we find that the taste is quite strong. We love adding flax seeds to our oatmeal, smoothies, muffins, et.  Easily grinds up into a fine powder with a coffee grinder.  This is what I give Ashton in larger quantities to help regulate her bowel.  It will promote high energy as well. 

Bee Pollen: 

     Bee Pollen is a complete protein, containing all 22 amino acids, and has a higher concentration of the eight amino acids essential to human health than most other forms of protein. It contains high levels of 27 minerals, enzymes, and coenzymes; vitamins B1, B2, and B6; niacin, pantothenic acid, and folic acid; vitamin C; and the fat-soluable vitamins A and E. Recommended dosage is 1-2 teaspoons per day. Use in moderation as 1 teaspoon represents 4.8 billion grains of pollen! Works well to combine in blended drinks.


Coconut Oil

- Protects against heart disease, cancer & diabetes
- Acts as an antioxidant in its resistance to attack by free radicals,
protecting against degenerative diseases, in general.
- Protects from a range of infectious diseases.

We consume coconut oil regularly in smoothies, in baked goods, and for sauteing and cooking , as well as in household and toiletry recipes.

I recommend buying the large bags of frozen fruit and experimenting with different combos.  My current fav is peaches and cream (with cinnamon) and spinach!  I promise you won't taste the greens at ALL!...happy shake making!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

‎"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth" Luke 11:2. AS IN HEAVEN, SO IN EARTH. This is God's plan. He wants His will to be accomplished in our home, just as it is in heaven. He wants the atmosphere of heaven to be the atmosphere of our home.  Those words come at just the right time.  I feel like I'm standing on the edge sometimes, waiting on my life to begin.  We have some life changing decisions coming up in our near future and I keep waiting and praying and wondering what will happen.  I keep putting things off but life is NOW, I have a job to do NOW!  I guess if I was honest with myself that feeling of waiting stems from feelings of discontent.  Discontentment stems from a lack thankfulness.  No wonder I am nervous and anxious about what comes next!  Today I will just sigh and take a step back to look at all the good my God has done for me.  What would he have me do TODAY.  That will be my focus.  Joy = thankfulness...feeling better already!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ever notice how rare true friends are?  I mean the kind of person you completely trust.  They would never think less of you for exposing your weaknesses.  They would love you unconditionally and give of their time and energy without thought to the cost.  I have been more than blessed to have met a few people throughout my life that fit this description.  Sometimes though I wonder if I should allow the Lord to be enough for me and not burden others with my everyday frustrations or ongoing challenges.  I was reading Exodus 17:11-12 and Numbers 18:1-7 about the intricate support system that God set up for the leadership of the Israelites.  It ultimately proved to lead them to victory.  God meant for us to experience spiritual victory as well.  He delights in it.  When we refuse to allow anyone to share in our personal battles we risk negative consequences. One being that we often lengthen the battle and we cheat others from sharing in our victorious joy!  I recall the overflow of joy that has spilled on to me by those in my support system.  We have laughed, cried, prayed, and worked hard together.  They have taught me the meaning of sound advice.  I hope I have been there for them as they have been there for me.  We are a gift to one another.  See also Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, I Corinthians 12:7, and Hebrews 10:24

Monday, January 3, 2011

Can I raise these children to be what God says they can be?

     God has laid on my heart a desire to raise these three precious gifts to be more than what this world says that they can be.  I sometimes truly fear the outcome of my efforts.  How can I teach my children thankfulness, obedience, attentiveness, a hatred for sin, to never retreat, submission to authority, respect, courage, a love for serving others, and a host of other godly characteristics?  When I start to dwell on my own imperfections and the current crop of teenagers (even some raised by well meaning parents) it is often enough to send me into an anxiety attack!  How do we walk a way pleasing to the Lord and pass on a legacy of faith and a destiny for greatness when our own examples are sadly lacking?
     I have been reading in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings.  King David was a man of worship, a man after God's own heart.  He was promised an unending dynasty, yet he and his children after him did not fulfil their covenant obligations.  This led to the eventual division of the kingdom and exile, not to be restored until the coming of Christ.  His children, as a majority, were spoiled and selfish.  They missed out on many of the Lord's blessings.  An example of what I believe was one of David's key mistakes is found in 1 Kings 1:6, "His father (David) had never interfered with him by asking, 'Why do you behave as you do?'"  So yes, he gave instructions to his son, Solomon, for success but he failed to train them in obedience or discipline them. 
     Raising children is a daunting task no matter what.  God's promises, however, are always true.  "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.  Then you will be prosperous and successful." -Joshua 1:8
     So I am encouraged to be obedient and do my best.  Yes, it is hard, hard work.  But today I will choose to trust Him where I fall short.  After all, he has been doing great things long before any of us were created.  More importantly he desires to have a relationship with us where we are in constant communication with him, bringing our needs, sharing our fears, praising him with our gratitude.  He did ask me to take on this responsibility and to do it with abundance and joy.  He also equipped me for it, no matter how inadequate I feel.
     Today's challenge and promise..."Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Phil. 4:6-7