Rex, Ashton, and Haley 2011

Rex, Ashton, and Haley 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

It's almost Christmas!  I REALLY love Christmas although I stress a bit as my sewing seems to start in the summer in preparation!  I know, I know that list of things I "need" to do is only in MY head but still. 
     We have so many wonderful traditions.  One of ours as a family is to get the children up on Christmas morning to open their stockings and then take them duck hunting before coming back to open presents!  Yes, Mom of course we read the Christmas story and drink hot wassail but I'm just sayin in case there was any doubt that we are slightly on the different side!
     I have been thinking a lot about our traditions, especially the religious ones.  Rex is preparing for his first communion this spring.  I have been completely blessed to be able to do this with him at home instead of sending him to church, however, it is a huge weight on my heart.  God has graciously led me through explaining everything to him thus far and now we come to memorizing the prayers so common to the catholic faith.  I have issues with one in particular, the Hail Mary.  I do not believe it is right to pray to ANYONE but God himself.  So how do I respect my husband's decision to go to the catholic church, balance his trust in me to teach our son, and still teach him the TRUTH?  Obviously had to let that one go to the Lord in prayer for a few weeks.  Well in his awesome graciousness he has answered my prayers...again.  God tells us over and over throughout his word that we are to come to HIM with our prayers, requests, and praise.  Never does it point us to Mary or anyone else.  I was praying Colossians 1 over my children this morning and just continued to read since I love that book :)  In chapter 2 vs 8 it says, "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."  And then He showed me chapter 1 vs 16, "For by Him (Christ) all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him."  and vs 17, "He is before all things..."  If we ever pray to Mary we are putting her before Christ.  We are taking away from Christ.  We are worshiping the creation rather than the creator just as others have worshiped idols before us.  I am so grateful he would honor me by hearing my prayers and give me this gift today, a tangible explanation for my son!