Rex, Ashton, and Haley 2011

Rex, Ashton, and Haley 2011

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Are you listening?

     For years I have longed to "hear" God speak to me.  I wonder sometimes if I am not a good listener.  My closest friend, my sister-in-law, my dear friend and mentor...they have all talked about God "speaking" to them or how God has revealed something to them.  Sometimes I sit quietly with God during my morning prayers, I tell him I'm listening but I'm not sure he speaks to me in this way.  My sweet friend once said that she loves how God answers my prayers so often.  Of course, I am overwhelmed by his graciousness to me in this way and maybe I should be content but I can't help but long for a two-way conversation.  I think he is showing me that he wants this too.  I have been seeking his help to figure out the best way to keep my words and responses kind and encouraging.  I keep thinking that if I just remember to stop before I speak and ask him to tell me what to say to my husband, or how to discipline my children, or how to handle a situation at that moment that he would speak to me through his Holy Spirit and tell me.  I have had several confirmations of this just this week, well...that I have noticed anyway, they do have to be pretty obvious!  I realized this is exactly what I have been trying to teach my son as he gets frustrated with his sisters, to respond with kind words and then if you still need help, come to me.  Also, my friend was telling me a story about disciplining one of her children and how she prayed before entering his room and God gave her a great idea.  Then, yesterday my daily devotion was about listening to God. 
     "Come to Me and listen!  Attune yourself to My voice, and receive My richest blessings.  Though I am King of the universe I am totally accessible to you.  When I cried out from the cross, "It is finished!"  the curtain in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.  This opened the way for you to meet with Me face to Face, with no need for protocol or priest.  I the King of Kings am your constant companion." - Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

This author also tells the story of how she learned to sit quietly and write what she believed God was telling her.  Finally, in my Bible reading this morning I read Isaiah 50:4, "He wakens me morning by morning, he wakens my ear to listen like one being taught."  Prayer is for listening too!  And how many times does he tell us to listen, to HEAR?  Surely this is his desire for all of us and he is pleased that I want greater intimacy and communication with him?!  Maybe listening wasn't my problem after all, maybe it was a lack of faith that these are really his words in my thoughts and I should act on them in obedience.  Regardless I am determined to ask him to give me wisdom and words throughout the course of my day.  I have a feeling I will be pleasantly surprised.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


So here are a few of my toiletry recipes for those who would like to dabble in making their own.  I love knowing I am keeping my family free of chemicals and harsh ingredients and making great gifts!  You may want to have a designated pot/spoon for soap and lotion making, especially when using Shea or cocoa butters and oils...they are VERY hard to wash from the pot!

Notes:  You can make this harder or softer according to you climate or where you store this by increasing/decreasing the amount of beeswax but be warned, a little goes a LONG way!  Don't be afraid to keep trying, you can always remelt.  This will make 2 bars (I just use empty deodorant containers but you can buy some or use a shallow jar) Melt the following ingredients in a pot...

5-6 TBSP of coconut oil (grocery store)
1/4 c cornstarch OR arrowroot powder for aluminum free
1/4 c baking powder (again consider A free)
1/2 TBSP beeswax pellets
1 TBSP Shea butter
20 drops essential oil of choice (I use Rosemary-Mint), add last when others have melted

Stir all ing until melted, remove from heat and continue to stir occasionally until it has cooled and thickened slightly, enough to pour into your deodorant tubes without separating and dripping through the bottom.  Allow to harden and enjoy!

Honey Soap
This is an easy soap to start with, I use a square honey bee mold with 16 soap squares.  Melt (careful not to scorch) ...

1 lb soap (white or clear glycerin or I like coconut oil soap base)

5 TBSP honey
approx 30 drops honey fragrance oil
approx 15 drops honeysuckle "      "
20 drops orange food color
3-5 drops black food color

When mixed over heat, pour into mold and allow to harden.  Remove from mold and package as desired.

Laundry Detergent
You will need a 5 gal bucket with a lid.  Once you make your own laundry detergent you won't believe how easy and CHEAP it is!  This cost me less than $2 a batch and lasts our family of 5 three months.

Grate 1 bar of ZOTE soap into pot.  Cover with water and heat/stir until melted.  Stir in 1 1/2 c Borax and 1 1/2 c Washing Soda.  Fill bucket about 1/3 of the way full with water.  Pour combined ingredients into the bucket and stir.  Continue to add water until the bucket is pretty full.  Allow to sit overnight.  Stir again.  It will be a really crazy consistency like snot or won ton soup but it's fine ;)  I use about 1/2 c per load in my HE washer.  If you have a really dirty load you can add some of the Borax or W S to the load.

OK ya'll have a go at those and I will add more later ;)